Thursday, 18 December 2008

Black Ops Hypnosis

The technique employs both verbal and non-verbal means of communication to alter and influence behaviour. Non verbal techniques can include body language, gestures and subliminal silent cues. Verbal techniques include mind altering words, language patterns and tone of voice. These techniques are commonly known as pacing and leading in the hypnotherapy world. Pacing and leading is a means to bypass the critical factor (the conscious analytical part of your mind). In bypassing the critical factor the subconscious mind more readily accepts external data to be the truth.

Typically, the hypnotist firstly establishes a rapport with the subject in order to enable them to be open to any hypnotic suggestions that might follow. Rapport is a feeling of connection and trust. One means of establishing rapport would be to match the speech, gestures, tone and breathing patterns of the other person. This would have the effect of putting their unconscious mind at ease.

When rapport has been created the hypnotist can begin to induce a trance which would bypass the subject's conscious mind and critical faculties. He could then begin to introduce suggestions to the subject. At all times the hypnotist would note the subtle clues emitted by the subject and alter their behaviour accordingly in order to maintain the trance state. This trance state does not have to be deep, in black ops hypnosis the state of trance tends to be very light, and the subject will not necessarily notice any change in their own mental state.

It has been said that this method allows the hypnotist to take choices away from the subject in order to make them believe that what is being suggested is the best choice for them.

Black ops hypnosis is a powerful tool and must be used responsibly and ethically. Typically it is used by salesmen to influence consumers to buy their goods but it could be used in all walks of life and social situations. Some politicians, as you might expect, are masters of this form of covert hypnosis. A politician may describe events, sights and feelings that are the absolute truth and thus establish himself as a source of the truth. For instance “As I stand here before you” or “Now is the time”. There is no arguments that these statements are true! And now that the politician is established as a source of truth he or she can slip a covert suggestion under your critical factor.

So a very basic example of pacing and leading would be “We need economic change” (no arguments there...completely true...) “and that is why I will be the next Prime Minister”. There is no logical connection between the need for change and this person being the next leader of a country, but it can be accepted as such using these techniques.

So next time you are approached by a salesman, or listening to a politician, watch out. Simply by knowing that someone is using covert hypnosis is an excellent way to prevent its impact. Alternatively learn the techniques yourself!

href="">Black Ops Hypnosis href="">Conversational Hypnosis, feel free to visit these sites.
Mark Boardman BSc dip.hyp is a leading author and expert on href="">Black Ops Hypnosis. For more information about href="">Conversational Hypnosis, feel free to visit these sites.

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